The Institute of Philosophy at the Austral University is announcing a competition for 10 scholarships to attend the Seminar «Big Questions: From Science to Philosophy and Theology.» The seminar will take place in Buenos Aires on October 16 and 17, 2014, and will be conducted by Argentine scientists and professors from the Faraday Institute at the University of Cambridge.
Ten scholarships will be awarded, covering bus transportation and two nights of accommodation in front of the Austral University campus. Interested individuals must submit the following documentation to the email address by September 26, 2014:
The decision will be communicated on September 30.
Eligible candidates for the scholarship include advanced university students, doctoral students, recent Ph.D. graduates, and academics in the fields of science, philosophy, or theology who express a clear interest in interdisciplinary research that involves the intersection of science and philosophy or theology. Advanced proficiency in English is required, as there will be no simultaneous translation for presentations in English.
The selection of candidates will be based on:
Scholarship recipients will be required to submit a written report of 600-1000 words on one of the topics covered in the seminar. The report must be submitted before November 30, 2014.