- Philosophy
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- Series "“De las ciencias a la filosofía”
Series “De las ciencias a la filosofía”
The cultural situation in which we find ourselves is rich and complex.
On the one hand, the experience gained during the intense 20th century has led man to think again about the meaning of his existence. On the other hand, scientific and technological advances have reached unsuspected development and dimensions. While contemporary science demands ever greater specialization, a deep understanding of reality invites to find ways toward the integration of a currently fragmented knowledge. Many of the big questions that have always been present in philosophical and theological reflection today are also addressed by contemporary science from new perspectives. But how is it possible to complement scientific and philosophical knowledge?
Listening to specialists from various disciplines, this collection aims to find answers to this question.
What makes an education good? What does it take to consider yourself well educated? Knowledge, without a doubt. But knowledge is easily forgotten, and today's may be obsolete tomorrow. Skills, especially critical thinking, are also crucial. But without the right motivation, graduates may not put their skills to use. In this book, the author argues that the intellectual virtues—traits such as curiosity, intellectual humility, honesty, intellectual courage, and open-mindedness—are fundamental to any education worthy of the name and to functioning well in everyday life. This book introduces readers to the intellectual virtues: what they are, why they are important, and how we can grow in them.
JASON BAEHR is Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University of Los Angeles (LMU). He is a specialist in epistemology of theoretical and applied virtue. From 2012-2015, he led the Intellectual Virtues & Education Project at LMU, which was sponsored by a more than $1 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation, and involved the creation of the Intellectual Virtues Academy, a high school in Long Beach , california. In addition to his academic work in the field of philosophy, Baehr also works closely with primary and secondary school teachers interested in educating in intellectual virtues. His other books include Intellectual Virtues and Education (Routledge, 2016) and The Inquiring Mind (Oxford University Press, 2011).
What makes an education good? What does it take to consider yourself well educated? Knowledge, without a doubt. But knowledge is easily forgotten, and today's may be obsolete tomorrow. Skills, especially critical thinking, are also crucial. But without the right motivation, graduates may not put their skills to use. In this book, the author argues that the intellectual virtues—traits such as curiosity, intellectual humility, honesty, intellectual courage, and open-mindedness—are fundamental to any education worthy of the name and to functioning well in everyday life. This book introduces readers to the intellectual virtues: what they are, why they are important, and how we can grow in them.
NATHAN L. KING is Professor of Philosophy at Whitworth University, Spokane, USA. His research addresses topics such as the epistemology of disagreement, the philosophy of education, civil discourse, and intellectual character.
If science was originally born from the disinterested desire of seeking knowledge, since the beggining of the First Industrial Revolution the influence of technology and economic over science is stronger than ever, to the point of shaping society, becoming essential and launched towards an unstoppable growth. As a consequence, humanity achieved a wellbeing unimaginable in other times. But the technological society in which we live raises disturbing questions (artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, the ecological problem) in which the future of humanity is at stake. This book examines these problems and proposes some solutions from an anthropological and ethical perspective.
JUAN JOSÉ SANGUINETI is a Doctor of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Navarra. He teaches Philosophy of Knowledge at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). He is the author of fifteen books and a hundred scientific articles on the theory of knowledge, philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, philosophy of mind and neuroscience. He was director of the scientific committee of the STOQ III project (Rome, 2007-2010, University of Santa Cruz, Neuroscience area). He regularly teaches doctoral courses and seminars at various universities in Latin America. He is an ordinary member of the Roman Pontifical Academy of Santo Tomás and the Argentine Thomist Society.
This volume offers an original perspective on divine providence by examining philosophical, psychological, and theological perspectives on human providence as exhibited in virtuous human behaviours. Divine providence is one of the most pressing issues in analytic theology and philosophy of religion today, especially in view of scientific evidence for a natural world full of indeterminacies and contingencies. Therefore, we need new ways to understand and explain the relations of divine providence and creaturely action.
The volume is structured dynamically, going from chapters on human providence to those on divine providence, and back. Drawing on insights from virtue ethics, psychology and cognitive science, the philosophy of providence in the face of contingent events, and the theology of grace, each chapter contributes to an original overall perspective: that human providential action is a resource suited specifically to personal action and hence related to the purported providential action of a personal God.
By putting forward a fresh take on divine providence, this book enters new territory on an age-old issue. It will therefore be of great interest to scholars of theology and philosophy.
IGNACIO SILVA is Associate Professor of Science and Theology at the Philosophy Institute, Austral University, Argentina, and an Associate Member of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford, UK.
SIMON MARIA KOPF is Visiting Lecturer at the International Theological Institute in Trumau, Austria.
The dynamism of the human person responds to two aspects, between which there may be tension, but above all cooperation and integration. The first aspect is the spiritual one and consists of the tendency towards universal truth and good, whose ultimate manifestation and fulfillment is not reached in the experience of the world. The second responds to incarnation in a body, which enables and conditions at the same time the psychic, social and cultural dimensions of the life of each human being. Each aspect would remain abstract if taken separately. The concretion of personal life implies attending to both in their mutual imbrication. Neither a disembodied spiritualism nor a biological, psychological or cultural reductionism would do full justice to the vital and existential reality of the human being.
According to a widely spread conception, we are a toy of unconscious brain mechanisms, and what happens within our brains determines the whole of our experience and of our behavior. We should ask ourselves, however, if this is really so. Do we lack any control over our thought, our intentions and our behavior? The book is a philosophical contribution about the many findings in the field of neuroscience. The brain is certainly a fundamental organ in the life of the human being, but it does not constitute the whole of the person.
JUAN F. FRANCK is PhD in Philosophy from the Internationale Akademie für Philosophie (Liechtenstein) and has pursued postdoctoral studies in Switzerland, Italy and Spain. He is a researcher at the Philosophy Institute of Universidad Austral and teaches Modern Philosophy at Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino. His present area of concentration is the philosophy of the neurosciences.
Quantum mechanics is one of the greatest intellectual projects in the history of mankind, not only for its many practical and technological applications, but also for forcing us to revise many of our scientific and philosophical preconceptions about what the world is like. Quantum mechanics is the product of a slow and progressive scientific revolution. A permanent one. Plagued with small twists and turns, guided and motivated by tensions that have gone through the history of classical physics since its birth, today we are still writing its history.
The present book analyzes and describes the first three decades of this permanent revolution in physics (1900-1927), during which two different generations of physicists and philosophers jointly focused all their efforts, and their intellectual, and even emotional potential to develop not just a new way of understanding reality, but of asking different questions about it.
CRISTIAN LÓPEZ is a PhD student at the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), and a doctoral fellow at CONICET. He has participated in numerous national and international scientific events, he has co-edited two books at Cambridge University Press and has published articles in specialized international journals. He was Academic Visitor at the MCMP-LMU (Germany), Oxford University (UK), University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and University of Geneva (Switzerland).
Is determinism predicated of scientific theories or of nature? What should be understood by genetic determinism? Is the concept of personal freedom compatible with neuroscientific research? Does the origin of life require divine intervention? These are some of the questions discussed in the present book, which represents an interdisciplinary effort with few precedents in Spanish speaking academia.
CLAUDIA E. VANNEY has a PhD in Physics from Universidad de Buenos Aires and a PhD in Philosophy from Universidad de Navarra. She is ordinary professor and director of the Philosophy Institute of Universidad Austral. She has been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Navarra and Oxford. In the past years her main academic focus is the interdisciplinary dialogue in the philosophy of science, the philosophy of physics and in science and religion.
JUAN F. FRANCK is PhD in Philosophy from the Internationale Akademie für Philosophie (Liechtenstein) and has pursued postdoctoral studies in Switzerland, Italy and Spain. She is a researcher at the Philosophy Institute of Universidad Austral and teaches Modern Philosophy at Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino. Her present area of concentration is the philosophy of the neurosciences.
Los mundos de lo infinitamente pequeño y lo infinitamente grande, tan alejados entre sí, están en contacto muy estrecho. La Cosmología moderna, que se ocupa del origen y el fin del universo, no se explica sin tener en cuenta la física de partículas.
Este libro describe un doble viaje que, partiendo del tamaño humano, se dirige hacia lo más pequeño, cruzando los límites de la vida, para terminar en los bloques básicos de la materia. La segunda parte del viaje se dirige hacia los planetas, las estrellas y las galaxias, para terminar en el universo, su origen y su posible fin, así como la cuestión más candente y sin respuesta de la física moderna: ¿ocurrió algo antes del Big Bang?
OLIMPIA LOMBARDI is an Electronics Engineer, Bachelor of Philosophy and PhD in Philosophy, all titles from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a Principal Investigator at CONICET, an academic at the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, an honorary member of the John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics, and a member of the Foundational Questions Institute. She is director of the Group of Philosophy of Special Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.
La evolución de la vida en la Tierra presenta un panorama actualizado de las polémicas sobre la evolución en las tres grandes áreas de la ciencia, la filosofía y la teología. El análisis, riguroso pero presentado de forma amigable para el público en general, conduce al lector a lo largo del laberinto de las polémicas evolucionistas contemporáneas en lo que estas tocan al pensamiento cristiano.
A los ojos del autor, la teoría de Darwin es un enriquecedor estímulo de la teología cristiana y un caso testigo de que, desde una perspectiva filosófica, la tesis del conflicto entre ciencia y religión es un falso dilema.
MIGUEL DE ASÚA es Doctor en Medicina (UBA), Licenciado en Teología (UCA), Master en Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia y Doctor en Historia (University of Notre Dame, USA). Se desempeña como Investigador Principal del CONICET y es miembro titular de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires y de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Enseña en UNSAM, UCA y es también profesor de Ciencia y Religión en el Colegio Máximo de San Miguel. Entre