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Cuevas, Mauro

El contenido de este perfil es responsabilidad exclusiva del docente investigador.

Artículos en Revistas CientíficasPapers in Scientific Journals

Artículos publicados en revistas indexadas internacionales

  1. Hernán Ferrari, Mauro Cuevas, Optical matter based on graphene surface plasmons, Optics Letters (2024). To be published.
  2. Vivian Grunhut and Mauro Cuevas, Optical force propelled by metamaterial surface waves excitation: pushing and tractor beam sources. Optics Continuum (2024). To be published.
  3. J Olivo, H Ferrari, M Cuevas, Surface recoil force on dielectric nano–particles enhancement via graphene acoustic surface plasmons excitation: non–local effects consideration, Optics Letters 49, 1249-125 (2024).
  4. J Olivo and M Cuevas, Surface plasmon enhanced THz spontaneous emission near metal–cored wires coated with graphene, J Olivo and M Cuevas, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40, 2407-2417, (2023). Editor’s Pick.
  5. H Ferrari, V Herrero, M Cuevas,  Optical pulling force on dielectric particles via metallic slab surface plasmon excitation: a comparison between transmission and reflection schemes, Optics Letters 48, pp. 2345-2348, (2023).
  6. H Ferrari, V Herrero, CJ Zapata-Rodríguez, M Cuevas, Graphene Surface Modes enabling Terahertz Pulling Force, Applied Optics 62, C64-C70 (2023).
  7. H Ferrari, CJ Zapata-Rodríguez, M Cuevas, Graphene plasmons on attenuated total reflection structures: a route to achieve large optical pushing or pulling force intensities in the terahertz region, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, (2022), 3200-3208. Editor’s Pick.
  8. H Ferrari, CJ Zapata-Rodríguez, M Cuevas, Giant terahertz pulling force within an evanescent field induced by asymmetric wave coupling into radiative and bound modes, Optics Letters 47, 4500-4503 (2022).
  9. H Ferrari, CJ Zapata-Rodríguez, M Cuevas, Terahertz binding of nanoparticles based on graphene surface plasmons excitations, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (2022). Preprint at http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11264
  10.  M. Cuevas, R. A. Depine, Dispersion properties of plasmonic sub-wavelength elliptical wires wrapped with graphene, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38, 3499-3508 (2021). Preprint at arxiv
  11. SH  Raad, Z Atlasbaf, M Cuevas, Dyadic Green’s function for the graphene-dielectric stack with arbitrary field and source points, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38, pp. 2368-2375 (2021).
  12. Mojtaba Karimi Habil, Carlos J. Zapata–Rodríguez, Mauro Cuevas, and Samad Roshan Entezar,  Multipolar-sensitive engineering of magnetic dipole spontaneous emission with a dielectric nanoresonator antenna, Scientific Reports 11, 12813 (2021).
  13. L Prelat, M Cuevas, N Passarelli, RB Marún, R Depine, Spaser and Optical Amplification Conditions in Graphene-Coated Active Wires, JOSA B 38, pp. 2118-2126 (2021). Preprint at arXiv:2103.06401
  14. Mauro Cuevas, Mojtaba Karimi Habil, Carlos J Zapata-Rodríguez, Lasing condition for trapped modes in subwavelength-wired PT-symmetric resonators, Optics Express 29, (2021) 10192-10208.
  15. M Cuevas, SH Raad, CJ Zapata-Rodríguez , Coupled plasmonic graphene wires: theoretical study including complex frequencies and field distributions of bright and dark surface plasmons, JOSA B 37, (2020) 3084-3093. Preprint at researchgate
  16. M Gingins, M Cuevas, R Depine, Surface plasmon dispersion engineering for optimizing scattering, emission, and radiation properties on a graphene spherical device, Applied Optics 59, (2020) 4254-4262. Preprint at researchgate
  17. J Olivo, M Cuevas, Enhanced energy transfer via graphene–coated wire surface plasmons, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 239, (2019) 106655. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.08547.pdf
  18. Julieta Olivo, Carlos J. Zapata-Rodríguez, Mauro Cuevas, Spatial modulation of the electromagnetic energy transfer by excitation of graphene waveguide surface plasmons, Journal of Optics 21 (2019) 045002 (14pp). Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.07034.pdf
  19. Cuevas M, Theoretical investigation of the spontaneous emission on graphene plasmonic antenna in THz regime, Superlattices and Microstructures 122, pp. 216-227, (2018). Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.03135.pdf
  20. M. Cuevas, Enhancement, suppression of the emission and the energy transfer by using a graphene subwavelength wire, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 214, 8-17, (2018). Preprint at researchgate
  21. M. Cuevas, Spontaneous emission in plasmonic graphene subwavelength wires of arbitrary sections, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 206 , 157-162, (2018). Preprint at  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.04317.pdf
  22. M. Cuevas, Graphene coated subwavelength wires: a theoretical investigation of emission and radiation properties, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 200, 190-197, (2017). Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.05609.pdf
  23. C. Valencia; M. Riso; M. Cuevas; R. A. Depine. Green formulation for studying electromagnetic scattering from graphene–coated wires of arbitrary section, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, (2017). Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.07848.pdf
  24. Mauro Cuevas. Critical coupling of surface plasmons in graphene attenuated total reflection geometry. Physics Letters A 380, (2016).
  25. Mauro Cuevas, V. Grunhut; R. A. Depine. Near field evidence of backward surface plasmon polaritons on negative index material boundaries, Physics Letters A 380, (2016).
  26. Mauro Cuevas. Surface plasmon enhancement of spontaneous emission in graphene waveguides, Journal of Optics 18, (2016). Preprint at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.04073.pdf
  27. M Cuevas, MA Riso, RA Depine, Complex frequencies and field distributions of localized surface plasmon modes in graphene-coated subwavelength wires, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 173, (2016).
  28. Riso Maximo, Cuevas Mauro, Ricardo A. Depine, Tunable plasmonic enhancement of light scattering and absorption in graphene-coated subwavelength wires, Journal of Optics 17, (2015). Preprint at  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.02191.pdf
  29. Zeller, Mariana, Cuevas, Mauro, Depine, Ricardo A., Critical coupling layer thickness for positive or negative Goos Hänchen shifts near the excitation of backward surface polaritons in Otto-ATR systems, Journal of Optics A, Pure and Applied Optics 17, 055102 (2015). Preprint at  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.03330.pdf
  30. Grunhut, M. Cuevas, and R. A. Depine, Scattering of light from metamaterial gratings with finite length, Applied Optics 51 (2012). Preprint at researchgate
  31. Zeller, Mariana, Cuevas, Mauro, Depine, Ricardo A., Phase and reflectivity behavior near the resonant excitation of surface plasmon polaritons in Kretschmann-ATR systems with metamaterials, The European Physical Journal D 66 (2011). Preprint at researchgate
  32. Cuevas, and R. A. Depine, Dispersive characteristics of surface plasmon polaritons on negatively refracting gratings, Optic communications, 284, 5242 (2011).
  33. V. Grunhut, M. Cuevas, and R. A. Depine, The Goos-Hänchen effect at the non periodic surface of a negative index metamaterial, Proc. SPIE, vol 8093, 80931Q (2011).
  34. M. A. Zeller, M. Cuevas, and R. A. Depine, Surface plasmon polaritons in ATR systems with metamaterials: Homogeneous problem, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28, 2042 (2011).
  35. M. Cuevas, R.A. Depine, The homogeneous problem for a corrugated metamaterial of arbitrary permittivity and permeability: Choosing the proper Riemann surface, Optik – Int. J. Light Electron Opt. 122 (2011).
  36. Cuevas, M.; Depine, R. A., Surface plasmon polariton modes propagating along the periodically corrugated boundary of a metamaterial, The European Physical Journal D 58 (2010).
  37. Cuevas, Mauro; Depine, Ricardo A., Surface polaritons at a negative index material grating, Proc. SPIE 7392, 73921P (2009).
  38. Cuevas, Mauro; Depine, Ricardo A., Radiation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Eigenmodes at the Corrugated Interface of a Left-Handed Material, Physical Review Letters 103, 097401 (2009).
  39. Cuevas, Mauro; Depine, Ricardo A., Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons along the sinusoidal boundary of a metamaterial, Physical Review B 78, 125412 (2009).

Artículos publicados en revistas indexadas Nacionales

  1.  Zeller, Mariana, Cuevas, Mauro, Depine, Ricardo A., Modos colectivos en superredes con metamateriales, Anales AFA 26, (2015).
  2. Zeller, Mariana, Cuevas, Mauro, Depine, Ricardo A., Polaritones superficiales plasmónicos en sistemas ATR con metamateriales. Anales AFA 22, 1, 11-18 (2010).
  3. Zeller, Mariana, Cuevas, Mauro, Depine, Ricardo A., Exitación de polaritones superficiales plasmónicos en sistemas ATR con metamateriales. Anales AFA 22, 1, 40-47 (2010).