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Últ. actualización: 25/04/2022

Brumovsky, Pablo

El contenido de este perfil es responsabilidad exclusiva del docente investigador.

Subsidios actuales

PICTA-III 2021-12   Dr. Alejandro Montaner, co-PI – To be executed

“Study of security and efficacy of an immunomodulating compound in patients with complex regional pain syndrome”

This grant is part of the efforts to carry out the first-in-human clinical trial using IMT504. Funds are being supplemented with additional support from an Argentinean investment fund (SF-500), and will begin first with a FASE I clinical trial.


PICT-2020-00131      Dr. Pablo R. Brumovsky, PI – To be executed

“Modulación de la interacción neuroinmune como estrategia terapéutica en ratas hembra y macho con dolor neuropático”

Dr. Brumovsky leads the Aims in this project to determine the impact of modulating the neuroimmune interaction in neuropathic pain, comparing male and female rats.


PICT-2020-SERIE A-00030 Dr. Pablo R. Brumovsky, Collaborator – To be executed

“Dolor neuropático inducido por fármacos quimioterápicos: estudio de los componentes endocannabinoide y evaluación de efectos de fitocannabinoides”

Dr. Brumovsky collaborates in this project with Dr. Florencia Coronel, to address the role of endocannabinoids in the context of antineoplasic-induced neuropathic pain, and the potential use of fitocannabinoides as a therapeutic strategy.


Concurso Rectorado – 80020210100012UA            Dr. Pablo R. Brumovsky, Co-PI – 02-02-2022-02-02-2024

“Caracterización de mediadores moleculares y celulares involucrados en la acción anti-nociceptiva del IMT504 en ratas macho y hembra con dolor agudo postquirúrgico”

Dr. Brumovsky co-leads the Aims in this project, carried out as part of the research of Dr. Carly McCarthy (PI) and the postdoctoral training of Dr. Julia Rubione, to demonstrate the role of IMT504 in the modulation of acute postsurgical pain, and the identification of cellular and molecular mediators influenced by sex in rats.