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Brumovsky, Pablo

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1999-2003. Tesis doctoral (1).»Neuropeptides Tyrosine, Galanin, Their Receptors And Neuropathic Pain» – Morphological and pharmacological studies in rodent nervous systemDoctorado en Medicina. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas de la Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Directores, Dres. Marcelo J. Villar y Tomas Hökfelt. Dotorado en Medicina. Lista de las publicaciones incluidas en la tesis:

 1.    Brumovsky PR, Bergman E, Liu HX, Hökfelt T, Villar MJ, 2004. Effect of a graded single constriction of the rat sciatic nerve on pain behavior and expression of immunoreactive NPY and NPY Y1 receptor in DRG neurons and spinal cord. Brain Research 1006(1): 87-99.

2.    Liu HX, Brumovsky P, Schmidt R, Brown W, Payza K, Hodzik L, Pou C, Godbout C, Hökfelt T, 2001. Receptor subtype-specific pronociceptive and analgesic actions of galanin in the spinal cord: Selective action via GalR1 and GalR2 receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98(17): 9960-9964.

3.    Brumovsky PR, Shi T-J, Matsuda H., Kopp J,  Villar MJ, Hökfelt T, 2002. NPY Y1 receptors are present in axonal processes of DRG neurons. Experimental Neurology 174: 1-10.

4.    Matsuda H, Brumovsky PR, Kopp J, Pedrazzini T, Hökfelt T, 2002. Distribution of Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Rodent Peripheral Tissues. Journal of Comparative Neurology 449: 390-404.

5.    Brumovsky P, Hygge-Blakeman K, Villar MJ, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z, Hökfelt T. Immunohistochemical characterization of primary afferent neurons and spinal cord of mice overexpressing galanin under the dopamine-b-hydroxilase promoter”. Manuscript

6.    Brumovsky P, Hofstetter C, Olson L, Villar MJ, Hökfelt T. Y1R distribution in superficial and deep neurons of the rat dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Manuscript


2000-2005. Tesis doctoral (2). “Neuropeptides, sensoryneurons and painmodulation”Doctorado en Neurociencias. Instituto Karolinska, Estocolmo, Suecia. Directores, Dres. Tomas Hökfelt, Marcelo J. Villar y Esbjörn Bergman. Lista de las publicaciones incluidas en la tesis:

1.    Liu HX, Brumovsky P, Schmidt R, Brown W, Payza K, Hodzik L, Pou C, Godbout C, Hökfelt T, 2001. Receptor subtype-specific pronociceptive and analgesic actions of galanin in the spinal cord: Selective action via GalR1 and GalR2 receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98(17): 9960-9964.

2.    Brumovsky P, Hygge-Blakeman K, Villar MJ, Watanabe M, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z, Hökfelt T. Immunohistochemical identification of different subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion neurons transgenically overexpressing galanin – Possible implications in pain processing. Manuscript

3.    Hygge-Blakeman K, Brumovsky P, Hao J-X, Xu X-J, Hökfelt T, Crawley JN, Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Z, 2004. Galanin over-expression decreases the development of neuropathic pain-like behaviors in mice after partial sciatic nerve injury. Brain Research 1025(1-2):152-8.

4.    Brumovsky PR, Bergman E, Liu HX, Hökfelt T, Villar MJ, 2004.Effect of a graded single constriction of the rat sciatic nerve on pain behavior and expression of immunoreactive NPY and NPY Y1 receptor in DRG neurons and spinal cord. Brain Research 1006(1): 87-99

5.    Brumovsky PR, Shi T-J, Matsuda H., Kopp J,  Villar MJ, Hökfelt T, 2002. NPY Y1 receptors are present in axonal processes of DRG neurons. Experimental Neurology 174: 1-10.

6.    Brumovsky P, Stanic D, Shuster S, Herzog H, Villar M, Hökfelt T, 2005. The neuropeptide Y2 receptor is present in peptidergic and non-peptidergic sensory neurons. Journal of Comparative Neurology, In press

7.    Brumovsky P, Hofstetter C, Olson L, Villar MJ, Hökfelt T. Several populations of Y1R-positive neurons in the dorsal horn and area X of the rat spinal cord. Submitted to Neuroscience.

8.    Brumovsky P, Villar MJ, Hökfelt T. Tyrosine hydroxylase is expressed in a subpopulation of small dorsal root ganglion neurons in the adult mouse. Manuscript.